Why You Should Use WordPress As Your Own Blogging System
The best tools today for blogging purposes is WordPress. It is a free downloadable online software because it is an open source. WordPress uses a Content Management System (CMS), which means that it’s a website development program, making management of websites easier.
In today’s internet world a lot of webmaster prefer using blogs as a platform for building a website.
There are great benefits to using blogs for your business site when you are using WordPress.
Sites that are power by WordPress can easily have static pages as well as being very dynamic. Another advantage of WordPress is that is loved by Google and the other search engines and with some tweaking and the use of the rights plugins, your blog will be indexed in the various search engines, bringing you more exposure.
There are many reasons why you should use a WordPress (self-hosted) as your own blogging system but the top five are listed here.
1. Updated Frequently
When you are running a WordPress blog you are updating it on a weekly basis and search engines just love that. Your fresh and original content that you place on your site is virtually irresistible to any of the search engines.
Search engines thrive on new content and the more you provide the more the search engines will grab on to this information and your ranks will rise in the search engines as a result.
2. Keyword Searches
When you create a WordPress blog keyword searches will occur more naturally. This means that people will be able to find your site more easily when they are searching by a keywords. If your competitors are not using WordPress in their blogs this will pull you ahead of them in the search engines. If they have already been using WordPress for their blog you will just have to use some extra effort to beat them in the ranks.
Search engine rankings are just too important these days for businesses not to take advantage of these WordPress blogs.
3. Events
When you post an event or date the webcrawlers tend to attach themselves to these easier and quicker. So if you wish to schedule an event for your visitors or just wanting to promote a new product short news announcements work great with WordPress.
4. Subscribe
By using RSS feeds people are able to subscribe to your site and get notified immediately when new content has been added. This is a great feature for those that are constantly adding new products or features to their site. This will save them time from sending out bulk emails. All they have to do is post the new content and the email is automatically generated for them.
With a blog your visitors are allowed to leave comments on your site, if you want them to. This will help increase interest in your site and gets visitors to come in more often. It will also increase your search engine results because this will add original new content to your site. A final advantage to comments on your site is that it is a great way for you to network and learn about new developments in your field that you may have not known otherwise.
As you can see there are advantages of using a WordPress (self-hosted) as your own blogging system for your business. These are just the top five but there are many more. It would be wise to create a WordPress Marketing blog for your business today.
To Your Success,